Beyond the Limitations: Exploring Hypnosis & Past Life Phenomena

When researching Near Death Experiences (NDE) and Past Life Theories, one discovers two vastly different views regarding death, reincarnation, and the spiritual realm. Materialists assert that everything is or can be explained in relation to matter. Consciousness is limited to and generated by the brain. This is opposed by those scientists and theorists who purport that human consciousness is a non-biological component associated with the brain and that it survives after physical death.

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Hypnosis Induction, Fastest Progressive Technique

How many types of induction should you learn? I can only give you a subjective answer based on my experience. To me, the Spiegel Eye Roll technique (which I adapted) is the panacea of progressive inductions, and I see no reason to use anything else.

Notice that I use the term progressive, but in reality the way I use it quite often only takes a few seconds.

Adapted hypnosis eye roll technique

Adapted hypnosis eye roll technique

One of my favorite books is Malcom Caldwell’s book, Outliers, in which he looked at the Story of Success and what criteria one must meet to be an expert. He and others surmised that the number of hours for any master in a field of endeavor is at least 10,000. Because of Caldwell’s book, I’ve worked out my own hours in the field of hypnosis: in 35+ years, I hypnotized well over 100,000 people. As a result, I have become acutely aware of the subtleties and nuances for successful outcomes in hypnotized subjects.

Adapted Eye Roll Induction by Barry Jones. For more about clinical hypnotherapy education go to