Recovery is when hypnosis can be a positive and powerful intervention. If an athlete's self-talk is the constant worry of a re-injury then the subconscious mind creates pictures of that happening. This negative pattern of thinking is what hypnosis alters. Look at the analogy of the brain and its likeness to a computer. The hypnotist can reprogram the subconscious mind to protect itself from injury, without focusing on the injury. Results can be dramatic and profound, and this sense of confidence can spread to other aspects of the athlete’s wellbeing.
Read moreHypnotherapy Accreditation In The USA?
In America, hypnosis is an unregulated profession and there is no accreditation.
I read an article by a hypnotherapy school that said, “You don’t need a license, you just need to meet certain criteria.” There is NO criteria!
Only three States require registration, but anybody can do that as long as you pay the fee.
Similar in the UK, there are many “accredited” schools, and also an abundance of minefields to go through to find a course that meets your needs. If you can pay, you can take a course!
Your best alternative is to go through a professional organization.
Here are three I would suggest:
Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
American Board of Medical Hypnosis
Also, look into: Hypnosis/Dental Hypnosis/Psychological Hypnosis and Social Work Hypnosis/Nursing
If you want to learn hypnosis, find like-minded minded people. Facebook has an abundance of forums you can join. Get involved with Skype/Zoom practical sessions and read! The only way to become good at hypnosis is by doing it. Once you become proficient, then decide if a course is worth the investment. So many are padded with irrelevant information and redundant techniques. KIS (Keep It Simple).
Reincarnation? Dr. Ian Stevenson MD
Reincarnation. The work of Dr. Ian Stevenson MD
“My aim has never been to prove reincarnation, but only to find and report whatever evidence there is to make it seem possible.” Dr. Ian Stevenson.
Ian Stevenson 1918-2007 University of Virginia School of Medicine, Chair of the Department of Psychiatry 1957-1967, Carlson Professor of Psychiatry from 1967 to 2001 and Research Professor of Psychiatry from 2002-2007.
According to Stevenson, “actual life memories may need a vehicle in order to emerge into the conscious mind, and the mind with its enormous range of powers creates a fictitious previous life to enable the delivery of real memories. Such a procedure may to some extent be correlated with a dream process. A few items of memory from a real previous life may become separated in some way and attracted to a fictitious previous life that is created by the mind. The outcome is the narration of an apparently coherent previous life”.
Rather than outline Dr. Stevenson’s work, I feel it is more important to view what others in the academic community have said about him.
In all his works, Stevenson adhered to the strictest standards of scientific exploration, including the collection and interpretation of data.
On reviewing his book, the Cases of the Reincarnation Type (1975), The Journal of the American Medical Association states: a "painstaking and unemotional" collection of cases that were "difficult to explain on any assumption other than reincarnation.”
In the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, September 1977, psychiatrist Harold Lief described Stevenson as a methodical investigator and added, "Either he is making a colossal mistake, or he will be known (I have said as much to him) as 'the Galileo of the 20th century.”
Doris Kuhlman-Wilsdorf, Medal for Excellence in Research of the American Society of Engineering Education (1965 and 1966), Heyn Medal of the German Society of Materials Science 1988, University of Virginia professor of Physics and Materials Science…
Kuhlman-Wilsdorf surmised that Stevenson’s work had established that “the statistical probability that reincarnation does in fact occur is so overwhelming … that, cumulatively, the evidence is not inferior to that for most if not all branches of science.”
Robert F. Almeder, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Georgia State University…
In the following video, Dr. Almeder examines the logic of believing, or not believing, evidence for reincarnation, like that provided by Dr. Stevenson. His discussion suggests contemplation, without automatically accepting or dismissing the evidence.
A video review of the book “Twenty cases Suggestive of Reincarnation” is found at:
Below is a summation of this video:
Almeder states that there is a force to the case studies that is enticing, enthralling! He says “it must be wrong” but that, the more he read, the more he realized the importance.
He states this is good empirical research -it rendered a scientific question- and he could not think of any other alternative or plausible explanation for the data that some people reincarnate. If the data is acceptable, it shows our way of explaining human behaviour has to break out of the existing paradigm.
Dr. Ian Stevenson MD
Hypnosis Accreditation And Hypnotherapy Certification
Where is the best hypnotherapy school? Can you do hypnotherapy training online?
Which hypnotherapy course is close to me? Do you need to be certified in hypnosis?
Hypnosis Accreditation in the UK! Is there any?
Hypnotherapy is currently UNREGULATED in the UK and there is no national or international organization that is solely responsible for hypnotherapy accreditation. In reality, anybody can self-accredit, and they do!
So, how do you navigate through the minefield of accredited hypnotherapist schools?Find a professional organization that has academic standards.
I could only find two…
One: The British Society of Clinical and Academic Hypnosis (BSCAH)
In addition to the basic training, BSCAH also offers a Diploma/BSc taught in conjunction with the University of Birmingham. Applications are invited from those registered with the GMC, GDC, NMC, HCPC, Clinical Psychologists, and University-based Academics.
Two: The National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy
The National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy delineates itself from other hypnotherapy organizations, stating, “It is our policy that we will only align ourselves with organizations which have meaningful and verifiable means of accreditation. The profession has many organizations that will give you a certificate for a fee. We, as one of the oldest schools of professional hypnosis and psychotherapy, believe that we should take a leadership position with this and not support bodies which have only been created to give out meaningless credentials and to turn a profit for its owners.”
The National College has a direct arrangement with Bath Spa University.
The practice of hypnotherapy has always lacked a standard of educational requirements. In fact, you can take an online course on Udemy and become a Certified clinical hypnotherapist for £9.95. If that is out of your price range ( Joke!!!! ) then just print yourself a Certificate and open your own office.
The bottom line is the quality of education being presented.
If you seek a genuine education that provides evidence-based curriculum, based on the most recent peer-reviewed research, and which includes clinical practice/experience, look into the educators’ professional affiliations, experience, and clinical background.
For my online course you can go to my webpage.
Hypnosis Induction, Fastest Progressive Technique
How many types of induction should you learn? I can only give you a subjective answer based on my experience. To me, the Spiegel Eye Roll technique (which I adapted) is the panacea of progressive inductions, and I see no reason to use anything else.
Notice that I use the term progressive, but in reality the way I use it quite often only takes a few seconds.
Adapted hypnosis eye roll technique
One of my favorite books is Malcom Caldwell’s book, Outliers, in which he looked at the Story of Success and what criteria one must meet to be an expert. He and others surmised that the number of hours for any master in a field of endeavor is at least 10,000. Because of Caldwell’s book, I’ve worked out my own hours in the field of hypnosis: in 35+ years, I hypnotized well over 100,000 people. As a result, I have become acutely aware of the subtleties and nuances for successful outcomes in hypnotized subjects.
Adapted Eye Roll Induction by Barry Jones. For more about clinical hypnotherapy education go to