Hypnosis For Sports Performance

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The hypnotic belay in alpine mountaineering: The use of self-hypnosis for the resolution of sports injuries and for performance enhancement

Auteur(s) / Author(s)

MORTON Priscilla A. ;

Résumé / Abstract

The author, an experienced alpine mountaineer, sustained several traumatic climbing injuries over a two-year period. This article describes her multiple uses of self-hypnosis to deal with several challenges related to herreturning to successful mountain climbing. She used self-hypnosis for physical healing and to enhance her motivation to resume climbing. While training for her next expedition, she successfully utilized self-hypnotic techniques to deal with acute stress and later post-traumatic symptoms that had emerged related to her climbing injuries. She describes her use of hypnotic ego-strengthening, mental rehearsal, age progression, and "Inner Strength" as well as active-alert trance states. Her successful summitting of Ecuador's Cotopaxi at 19,380 feet was facilitated by "The Hypnotic Belay" which permitted her to secure herself by self-hypnosis in addition to the rope used to secure climbers. In 1994, the author returned to the Cascade Mountains where she had been injured three years earlier and reached the summit of Mount Shuksan. This time she was secured by "The Hypnotic Belay".

Revue / Journal Title

The American journal of clinical hypnosis   ISSN 0002-9157

Source / Source

2003, vol. 46, no1, pp. 45-51 [7 page(s) (article)]

Langue / Language


Editeur / Publisher

American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Des Plaines, IL, ETATS-UNIS  (1958) (Revue)

Localisation / Location

INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 19667, 35400011993442.0040

Nº notice refdoc (ud4) : 149766